Young Earth vs Old Earth

iStock_000017595463MediumLast week Christianity Today posted an article discussing clergy and their views on origins. As the article reports, new Barna Group research (commissioned by BioLogos) “shows that a slight majority (54 percent) of Protestant pastors across all regions most likely identify with young-earth creation.” (more…)

It saddens me that my children will grow up seeing only eight planets on the posters at school, whereas I grew up with nine. As of August 2006, Pluto has been classified as a dwarf planet. RTB astrophysicist Jeff Zweerink isn’t as sentimental as I am about Pluto—he understands and appreciates the reasons for the former planet’s demotion. (more…)

In County Clare, Ireland, one of the main sight-seeing destinations is the Burren, a stretch of terrain often described as “lunar” in appearance. The karst landscape features expansive limestone pavements crisscrossed by cracks known as “grikes” (as though raked by a giant attempting to farm) and solemn portal tombs such as the Neolithic Poulnabrone Dolmen. (more…)